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Sermon Series

Anona UMC offers sermon videos and audio of our weekly Sunday services.

Sunday, September 8 - Rest

Erin Padgett

God wants to elevate us. God sent His son to “lift us up”. Moses “lifted up” the serpent in the wilderness that all would be healed, (an early reference to what would be seen later as Jesus on the Cross.) The word “rest” in the bible is “to stop and be lifted up”. Jesus says to us “come to me” so that we may be elevated. My wife watches cooking shows and when I walk by and crane my neck in they always seem to be elevating a dish. I’m not sure what that means in the culinary world, but I know what it is in the spiritual. Let’s take this Sunday to stop and be elevated. I’m sure I’m not the first preacher to run across this. I guess that’s where the term “rest up” comes from.

Sermon by: Pastor Jack Stephenson
Matthew 11: 28-30