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13233 Indian Rocks Road
Largo, FL, 33774
United States



Give - Anona is here to support the community and raise up families of all generations with powerful worship, programs, and service.

We are called to “increase and abound in love.” Generosity and stewardship are key ways of expressing that love. Every act of kindness, every donation, and every helping hand has made a difference. Your generosity has fueled our mission, strengthened our bonds, and brightened the lives of those we've reached. While these are important contributions, the reality is that without your generosity through your giving and stewardship towards our church, we would not be able to have our amazing programs like Anona Kids, Anona Little Kids, Anona Youth, service opportunities like Habitat and Sew 4 Kids, and many more.

I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God.
— 2 Thimothy 1:6

easy online giving

To support your church and it’s programs, click GIVE below and select the worship service you attend most. If you would like to give directly to Anona’s Mission fund, select MISSIONS and the Anona Mission Team will help those in need at the local, domestic, and international level. Thank you for your financial contribution.

For help with additional giving methods, click here.

Your financial gifts make Anona and our impact to the congregation and community possible. Thank you for continuing to grow with us.

For questions regarding your missions contribution, contact our Missions Director, Jackie Evans. For general financial contribution inquiries, contact our Business Administrator, Alisa Rushing.