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13233 Indian Rocks Road
Largo, FL, 33774
United States



Training Services

Training services - anona Counseling center

Anona Counseling Ministry is located in the Counseling Center and provides adult education in personal & spiritual growth and development to individuals as well as groups.  We offer classes, workshops, support groups, and presentations on multiple topics.  Our training and personal growth uses research-based programs and techniques to facilitate the change process allowing clients to identify as well as reach their personal goals and achieve their greatest potential.


Each instructor sets their own rates based upon their educational background, training, and experience.  A selected number of our programs begin with an initial 30-minute training session with our instructors at no cost to the client.  Furthermore, individual and group sessions are available for programs on topics which may include multiple sessions at a preferred rate.  Multiple sessions, programs and packages are recommended to achieve long term benefits.  Please speak with your instructor about the current rates and packages available when you call to schedule a confidential appointment.        


At all times, our Code of Conduct and strict confidentiality is protected under our professional standards and requirements.  Please note that the training services with clients are not considered mental health counseling or therapy.  During training sessions with clients, if the need for mental health counseling services is identified, referrals will be made to a qualified mental health counselor. 

common questions for personal growth & development training

What are Instructor Specialists and what do they do?
Our instructors are specialists in education &/or counseling, who work with healthy clients seeking personal & spiritual growth and development.  Personal development involves accepting personal responsibility for growth in the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual areas.  As a result, a person can then live a more productive and fulfilling life.  This is achieved through the growth and development of life skills.  The process includes setting, planning & achieving goals to improve the desired performance of skills as well as gaining greater knowledge in various areas of life.  The instructor initiates and motivates the learning process by providing programs, presentations, and instruction that may include: written lessons, educational activities, teaching techniques and strategies.  In addition, steps are provided to apply and practice desired skills to reinforce them for improved performance.  In order to increase client retention and thus longer lasting results from the learning process, the client participates in the advanced methods that integrate the application of the four learning modalities.  In this way, the client can work productively towards reaching their highest potential.  Instructors work with the client’s primarily in the present and future life situations. 

What is personal growth and development and how can it help me?
Personal growth and development is a disciplined, personal pursuit of change and growth to improve self-awareness, identity, skills, and potential to enhance the quality of life. It refers to one of the most important aspects of our lives because it helps us achieve our personal goals and dreams.  The process often begins with a life event that inspires improvement and empowerment to discover your greatest potential.  It can be a transformational process, in which improvements experienced impact all areas of life: mental, emotional, physical, & spiritual.  As a result of personal growth, life becomes more satisfying and meaningful. 

Do I really need personal growth and development?
Seeking personal growth and development is a personal choice.  Many clients seek personal growth to gain new knowledge, skills, and competencies.  Furthermore, clients are sometimes unsatisfied with a particular area or direction in their life and wish to make the changes that will produce lasting results.  To achieve change and create a more fulfilling life, participation in the personal growth and development process is essential. Once this process begins, the results are endless.  Clients find meaning and purpose in their lives as they continue to achieve their life goals.  New skills are learned and talents are often discovered in the process; relationships are strengthened and new ones are more easily developed.  What about you?  What are your dreams? 

Is personal growth and training right for me? 
Clients often want to grow and develop themselves to reach their greatest potential.  Every person is a unique individual and personal growth is an individual choice.  Each path towards personal growth and development is a personal journey.  Consider what it is you want to improve about yourself and your life.  It is up to the client which path and results they want to seek.  We can help you plan your path and achieve your dreams.  

How can I expect to benefit from personal growth?
Clients experience many benefits, including:

  • Finding a path for positive change
  • Experiencing a shift in thinking
  • Creating positive new habits
  • Developing more fulfilling relationships
  • Achieving greater potential

What are the group classes all about?
Individual and group sessions are available.  For programs with multiple sessions, a preferred rate may be offered.  Multiple sessions, programs, and packages are recommended to achieve long term benefits.  A selected number of our programs begin with an initial 30-minute training session with our instructors at no cost to the client.  Special topics include: Self-Awareness, Higher Consciousness, Healthy Personal Boundaries, Relationships, Codependency, Self-Esteem, Recovery Support, Work-Life Balance, Life Purpose, Divorce Care, Personality Profiles-DISCFlex, Grief Share, etc. 

What is the training like?
An individual session is 1 hour in length and can be scheduled in person, as an office visit.  However, teleconferencing, Facetime, Skype, and other means may be offered via technology.  Check with your individual instructor.  Typically, the instruction is divided into 3 segments:

  1. Client and instructor discussion regarding goals & client’s field work progress
  2. Lesson Instruction and review with PowerPoint program slide
  3.  Application practice of objectives with handouts & exercises

During the course of the program, clients:

  • Identify road blocks and sources of stress or unhappiness
  • Shift thinking and prioritize what matters to them
  • Create a clear plan of action and the support to put it in action
  • Learn positive new habits, healthier boundaries, and rewarding relationships

Training Locations Offered: Office Visit, Phone, or via technology - check with instructor for availability
Individual Session: 1 Hour Session
Program Packages: Multiple week packages @ preferred rates
Group Classes: Call for current rates & group sizes

To Schedule an Appointment you may contact the instructor directly using the information listed below:

Trina Carroll-Houk, EdS, 727.531-9751   (click for Trina's bio)

Off Campus location: 2081 Indian Rocks Road, Largo, Florida 33774 (1/2 mile north of church campus)