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13233 Indian Rocks Road
Largo, FL, 33774
United States


Trina Carroll-Houk

Trina Carroll-Houk, Spiritual Teacher & Counselor - Trina works at the Anona Family Life Counseling Center as a Spiritual Teacher & Counselor.

Specializations:  As a Spiritual Teacher & Counselor, Trina specializes in personal and spiritual growth in the areas of self-awareness and higher consciousness. She teaches her clients how to gain authority over their lives by recognizing, neutralizing, and moving beyond the voice of fear & doubt that creates negative thoughts challenging emotions, and reactive behavior. Trina's goal is to help clients break free from what's holding them back in living an authentic, peaceful, and fulfilling life.

Trina holds the following degrees and affiliations:

  • Bachelor's Degree of Science, University of West Georgia
  • Master's Degree in Secondary Education, University of West Georgia
  • Specialist's Degree in Curriculum, Instruction, & Economic Education, Georgia State University
  • Professional Educator Certifications - State of Florida & Georgia
  • Board Certified Master Life Coach® - AACC/BCLC & ICF
  • Certified Recovery Life Coach® - Life Purpose Coaching Centers, International
  • Certified Life Purpose Coach & Facilitator® - Life Purpose Coaching Centers, International

Trina Carroll-Houk