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December Youth Events

Anona Blog

December Youth Events

Erin Padgett

Christmas is a wonderful time where we get to celebrate the hope and joy that the birth of Jesus brings AND wear ugly Christmas sweaters. Youth Christmas Bible study is underway but don’t worry, you can still come even if you need to miss one. Join us Thursdays, Dec 2, 9, 16 from 6:30-8 pm in the youth room. This Sunday is also a COOKIE SWAP when we invite youth parents to come together and exchange cookies and have great, casual conversation on Sunday, Dec 5 from 5-5:30 pm. Youth Christmas parties are set for Sunday, December 12. Be sure to connect with your youth group leader or Megan for more information. Check out our youth event webpage anona.com/youthevents for more details about these Christmas events and to see what’s to come in 2022!