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Anona Blog

Unlocking Life's Potential: Embracing 'If' and Finding Endless Possibilities

Christina Brooks

In the tapestry of language, the word 'if' may seem unassuming, but in reality, it holds immense power. For many, 'if' can be a stumbling block, leading them down the path of "if only," a life marked by regret. However, what if we told you that 'if' could also be the key to unlocking a future filled with boundless possibilities? In this blog post, we invite you to explore the profound impact of 'if' and how embracing this word can transform your life.

Breaking Free from 'If Only'

Imagine a life where 'if' is not a source of regret but a beacon of hope. Too often, people find themselves trapped in the confines of "if only." They dwell on missed opportunities, past mistakes, and the roads not taken. This mindset can be paralyzing, preventing them from moving forward with confidence.

Embracing the 'What If' Attitude

But what if we were to shift our perspective? What if we were to adopt a "what if" attitude—one that looks forward to the future with unwavering confidence? This is precisely what God invites us to do. He calls us to live lives marked with possibilities, to gaze into the horizon with hope and faith.

The Power of Faith

Why should we adopt this 'what if' perspective? The answer lies in a profound truth: "If God is for us, who can be against us?" The resounding response is "no one." God is our unwavering ally, standing by our side every day in every way. This unshakable faith can propel us to conquer the obstacles that stand in our path.

Insights from Romans 8

To delve deeper into this transformative concept, let's turn to the book of Romans, specifically chapter 8. In this chapter, we find powerful promises and insights that can change the way we view ourselves and our relationship with God.

Embrace the Possibilities

As we embrace this truth, our lives open up to limitless possibilities. We are no longer held back by 'if only,' but propelled forward by 'what if.' Christians from all walks of life will find themselves set free by this inspiring and entertaining journey.

Join the Journey

If you're ready to break free from the chains of 'if only' and step into a life filled with 'what if,' we invite you to join us for a Thursday evening series. Starting from 9/28-10/26 at 7:00 PM, we will gather in the Chapel Conference Room to explore the power of 'if' and the limitless potential it holds.

Our facilitator, Belinda Engelmann, will guide us through this life-changing journey. Whether you're a seasoned believer or just starting your faith journey, all are welcome to join this transformative experience.

In conclusion, the word 'if' is not just a collection of letters; it's a gateway to a life filled with hope, faith, and endless possibilities. By embracing the 'what if' attitude and understanding the profound truth of God's unwavering support, we can break free from the shackles of 'if only' regrets and become more than conquerors in our journey of life. Don't miss out on this opportunity to unlock your life's potential—join us on this inspiring and entertaining journey of faith.

Passing on the Flame of Faith: Insights from Deuteronomy 6:6-9

Christina Brooks

In the journey of faith, one can't help but marvel at the interconnectedness of generations. As we embark on a profound exploration of Deuteronomy 6:6-9, we are reminded of the sacred duty of passing on our faith story, traditions, and wisdom from one generation to the next.


With the transition from a family to a people, as led by Moses, the foundation of a key biblical theme took root – the art of passing on our faith story. Just as Israel meticulously preserved its narrative through worship, scriptures, and festivals, we too are entrusted with the task of carrying forward the flame of our spiritual heritage.


Remembering the Covenant
The essence of Deuteronomy 6 lies in its call to remember. The very stories we study have been carried in the hearts and voices of our ancestors for generations, long before they found a place on parchment. The covenant's reality and history's lessons are threads that must be woven into the tapestry of our community's fabric.


Teaching with Intensity
In Deuteronomy 6, the call to teach the faith story echoes with intensity. It demands our constant involvement and unwavering commitment, much like a nurturing embrace. Our salvation story joins the continuum of faith, linking us with the generations that came before and those that will follow.


Living the Legacy
As we reflect upon Deuteronomy's wisdom, the words etched in verses 6 through 9 invite us to integrate faith into every facet of our lives. From morning to night, from home to the open road, faith must be our steadfast companion. It's not just a lesson imparted but a way of life embraced.


The lessons drawn from Deuteronomy 6:6-9 transcend time and culture, urging us to become torchbearers of our faith's legacy. Like Israel of old, we are entrusted with the sacred duty of weaving the threads of faith into the fabric of our lives and passing it on with reverence. May these verses serve as a timeless reminder of our calling to nurture the flame of faith for generations to come.

Anona's Table Talks: Nurturing Unity Through Conversations on Inclusion and Justice

Christina Brooks

In today's diverse and rapidly changing world, fostering open dialogue and understanding among different perspectives is more important than ever. At Anona, our mission is to create a space where people from all walks of life can come together to worship, learn, serve, and grow as a community. We believe that genuine connections are built on real conversations – the kind that address both the joys and challenges of our time.

Why Conversations Matter

In a world often marked by divisiveness, it's essential to have conversations that bridge the gap between differing viewpoints. Our approach is rooted in the biblical principle of being "quick to listen and slow to speak" (James 1:19). We value respectful discourse, where diverse opinions are shared with consideration and the intent to truly understand one another.

Navigating the Path to Inclusion

As the United Methodist Church prepares for the General Conference vote on LGBTQIA+ inclusion, Anona recognizes the importance of engaging in these discussions. We believe that by openly addressing this topic, we can learn from one another's experiences and perspectives. This prepares us to contribute meaningfully to the ongoing discourse within our community.

Introducing Table Talks

To provide a platform for practicing empathetic listening, expressing thoughts thoughtfully, and preparing for the upcoming vote, we're thrilled to introduce Anona's Table Talks. These gatherings offer a unique opportunity for all members of our community to come together around tables and engage in meaningful conversations.

The inaugural Table Talks session is scheduled for Monday, September 18th, at 6:00pm in Wesley Hall. While the primary focus will be on the ways our church family members have incorporated the teachings of inclusion, justice, and empathy into their daily lives, other topics of significance are sure to emerge. We believe that sharing personal stories and understanding the diverse perspectives that arise will foster unity, peace, justice, and mutual understanding within our community.

Join Us

We extend a warm invitation to everyone to join us at Anona's Table Talks. Let's gather on September 18th and embark on a journey of exploration, growth, and unity. RSVP online by Wednesday, September 13th, to ensure that we can accommodate you for the evening, including a shared dinner that will enhance the sense of community as we converse.

As we prepare to engage in these vital conversations, we look forward to building connections, learning from one another, and nurturing a community that thrives on respect, understanding, and shared purpose. Together, we can contribute to a world that values inclusivity and justice.

Come, let's talk, listen, and understand – for in these conversations, we sow the seeds of a stronger, more harmonious future.

Habitat for Humanity: Transform Lives by Building Homes and Hope through Volunteering

Christina Brooks

Volunteering stands as a potent means to create a positive influence within your community, and Habitat for Humanity epitomizes this ethos. As a global non-profit organization, Habitat for Humanity is unwaveringly committed to delivering affordable housing to deserving families. Volunteering at a Habitat event transcends mere acts of generosity; it offers a chance to be an integral part of a transformative journey, one where homes are constructed, and hope is cultivated for families aspiring to a brighter future.

The Experience

Volunteering at a Habitat for Humanity event is a unique and rewarding experience that leaves a lasting impression on both volunteers and the families they serve. The event typically starts with a warm welcome and an introduction to the organization's mission and the specific project at hand. Whether it's constructing a new home, renovating an existing one, or assisting with community outreach efforts, every volunteer plays a crucial role in bringing the Habitat vision to life.

Hands-On Construction and Community Engagement

One of the most distinctive aspects of volunteering at a Habitat for Humanity event is the hands-on construction work. Volunteers get to roll up their sleeves, don a hard hat, and work alongside skilled tradespeople and other volunteers to build or repair homes. It's an incredible opportunity to learn new skills, from hammering nails and installing drywall to painting walls and landscaping.

But Habitat for Humanity events are not just about construction; they are about community. Volunteers often have the chance to interact with the families who will eventually live in the homes they are helping to build. Hearing their stories and sharing their dreams creates a sense of connection and purpose that goes beyond the physical work being done.

Building Skills and Making Memories

Volunteering at a Habitat event is not just about the work you do; it's also about the skills you acquire and the memories you create. You'll learn about construction techniques, teamwork, and problem-solving. You'll forge friendships with fellow volunteers and share in the satisfaction of seeing a house take shape from the ground up. There's a sense of accomplishment in knowing that your time and effort are contributing to a tangible, life-changing outcome.

A Fulfilling Commitment

Whether you can spare a single day or commit to regular volunteering, your contribution to Habitat for Humanity is invaluable. The organization relies on volunteers to make its mission possible, and the impact is felt not only by the families who receive homes but also by the volunteers themselves.


Volunteering at a Habitat for Humanity event is a remarkable experience that combines community engagement, practical skills development, and a deep sense of purpose. It's a chance to be part of a movement that is not only building houses but also building hope for a better future. So, if you're looking for a meaningful way to give back and make a lasting difference in your community, consider joining a Habitat for Humanity event. You'll be amazed at the homes you help create and the hope you inspire in the process.

To Truly Welcome All: The Practice of Hospitality

Christina Brooks

In a world that often emphasizes separation and division, the timeless tale of Abraham's encounter with divine visitors at the oaks of Mamre serves as a guiding light on the path of hospitality. Genesis 18:1-15 paints a picture of warmth and openness, as Abraham hastens to welcome the travelers into his tent during the heat of the day. This narrative embodies the very essence of true hospitality—extending a gracious hand to strangers and embracing the interconnectedness of humanity.


The story not only highlights Abraham's willingness to go above and beyond to offer comfort and nourishment to his guests but also introduces us to Sarah's reaction to the divine promise of a child in her old age. Her laughter, born from doubt and astonishment, is a reminder that even in moments of disbelief, faith can emerge.


This narrative encourages us to reflect on the role of hospitality in our lives. How can we cultivate an attitude of open-heartedness, just as Abraham did? How might we overcome skepticism and find delight, like Sarah, in unexpected promises? As we engage with these questions, we unearth a lesson that spans generations: hospitality isn't just about providing physical comfort; it's about creating an environment where genuine connection and transformation can occur.


Join us in exploring the depths of Genesis 18:1-15 and rediscovering the power of hospitality as a catalyst for change. As we navigate our complex world, may we be inspired to follow in the footsteps of Abraham, embracing strangers as potential friends and welcoming divine surprises with laughter and faith.

United...In What? Unveiling the True Motive of the Tower of Babel

Christina Brooks

At first glance, the Tower of Babel tale seems perplexing—why would a united effort to build a towering structure be met with divine intervention? In Genesis 11:1-9, we uncover the profound lesson lying beneath the surface: the motive behind unity matters.


The builders of the tower were driven by an arrogance, symbolized by their use of bricks and mortar, representing their self-sufficiency. Their collective pursuit wasn't merely about constructing a monument; it was about making a name for themselves, shunning the need for a higher power. God saw their intentions and intervened, scattering them and confusing their language.


This narrative prompts us to reflect on our own unity. Are we united in pursuits that align with higher principles, or are we driven by arrogance and self-centered motives? The Tower of Babel story serves as a reminder that unity without a noble purpose can lead us astray.


As we navigate the complexities of modern society, let's examine our collective intentions. Are we building unity on the foundation of humility, compassion, and shared values? Join us in delving deeper into this thought-provoking story and reevaluate what truly unites us.